Animating Spaceship in LightWave 3D Tutorial

Animating Spaceship part 1

Animating Spaceship part 2

Autor:Kemal Günel

Particles Changing Type Tutorial

Getting the three types of particles to change from one into the next. This does not involve any collisions, but is based entirely the timeframe of the particles. I suppose you could chain any number of emitters together by parenting them and have the appearance change. LW 11.5.

Particles changing type

Autor: Fred Slocombe

Drinking Glass With Condensation Tutorial

Make water condense on a drinking glass. Lightwave 3D 11.5.

Glass with condensation

Autor: Fred Slocombe

Image sequence for pfx birth rate Tutorial

Lightwave tutorial that deals with using an image sequence as pfx birth rate.

Image sequence for pfx birth rate

Autor: bryphi77